Oh Pinterest... a wonderful place where you can decorate a home you'll
never be able to afford, plan your non-existent wedding with your imaginary fiancé, and Pin recipes you have no intention of ever making. We're all guilty of it and if your'e not.. well then your either lying or a man. 

I will openly admit we have become what some call "Pinaholics"....BUT I will say if loving Pinterest is wrong then I don't want to be right!! Yes, hours upon hours have been wasted on sorting through thousands of pins taking away precious time from other productive
activities such a cleaning, physical activity and time with loved ones.... but who needs all that stupid crap? 

We have decided (well I have and Emily has no choice in the matter) that we are going to attempt some of our favorite Pins...crazy concept right? We'll document the process, share our experience and give any tips or tricks we've discovered along the way. There will undoubtedly be Epic Fails which will provide a good laugh but it should be fun! Speaking of which please enjoy some of my favorite Pinterest fails below.... you're welcome. (Oh and if theres a Pin you want us to try just comment below!)

Stayed Tuned!! Pinterest Attempt #1 Coming Soon!!!
Pugs & Kisses - Eileen



That is all. :x Em
So I guess this card I decided to awkwardly take a picture of at Kohl's kind of explains us. Looking at us you might think ... Hmm they are both equally pale short Irish oversized head twin girls with no real uniqueness, talents, or gifts. Unless you think sleeping unhealthy amounts, awesome plato's closet scavenger hunters, drunk off two & 1/2 strawbaritas, iced coffee dbl dbl lovers (with timbits on the side of course) is unique and/or highly inapropriatte behavior for 25 year old women as hobbies is cool...Then I guess we are cool as shit. But we do have a lot of differences.... I guess I have to ponder the major or more interesting traits? To be continued.... In a week or 2 when I feel like it biatches (aka Eileen due the fact you are the only subscriber beside myself) Peace!
Another card I oddly decided to take a picture of... Pretty sure this was at Khols too; not necessarily same trip? But yea I find it quite humorous and real to life-plus I like GLItTEr :-B *buck tooth smile style *
Over our quarter century of life as twins there have been several what we like
to call "Awkward Twin Moments"... 

Throughout our entries we will
randomly share some of these stories.. cant promise they are interesting but
most certainly awkward (as most of our lives are).

Circa 1997 we attended the annual "Twins Day Festival" in  Twinsburg, OH.. a real place i might add... there you would find twins young and old wearing tacky matching outfits and relish in being a multiple and pity those non-twins.  Well, wouldn't you know it but one of the grand events at the festival was a talent show where we decided to choreograph an elaborate number to Disney Tarzan's "doo wop" song. There are so many things wrong with this picture i cant even being. First of all we never did "real" dance a day of our life and were the least graceful/ limber 12 year olds ever. We pretty much forgot every step the instant we got on stage.. second we wore horrible matching two piece floral numbers that belonged in the 80's and third, well we just looked like straight up ass holes. At the time we thought it was awesome but looking back i cant believe no one stepped in and said.... this is social suicide.. stop! What makes things worse was our older sister worked for the Buffalo News writing
articles for the teen section called "Next" and guess which couple of jackholes
made the cover with a story on the festival. Not our finest moment.

Have any akward moments? Please share!!

Thought it would be fun for me and my twin sister to take a swing at this whole "blog" trend... we did just enter the Iphone world a few weeks ago so be gentle...

You might ask (or not up to you really.. i wont be offended) whats the point of this blog? Haven't quite figured that out yet... Our individual lives are straight up boring, but our lives together somehow equal to borderline interesting. Emphasis on the borderline.

To give you a brief description of us.. imagine the most average white girl you know... that pretty much sums it up. 

The blog entries will mot likely consist of things we find humorous, cute, and/ or both.  Don't expect any intelligent useful information up in here.  

Pugs & Kisses