Oh Pinterest... a wonderful place where you can decorate a home you'll
never be able to afford, plan your non-existent wedding with your imaginary fiancé, and Pin recipes you have no intention of ever making. We're all guilty of it and if your'e not.. well then your either lying or a man. 

I will openly admit we have become what some call "Pinaholics"....BUT I will say if loving Pinterest is wrong then I don't want to be right!! Yes, hours upon hours have been wasted on sorting through thousands of pins taking away precious time from other productive
activities such a cleaning, physical activity and time with loved ones.... but who needs all that stupid crap? 

We have decided (well I have and Emily has no choice in the matter) that we are going to attempt some of our favorite Pins...crazy concept right? We'll document the process, share our experience and give any tips or tricks we've discovered along the way. There will undoubtedly be Epic Fails which will provide a good laugh but it should be fun! Speaking of which please enjoy some of my favorite Pinterest fails below.... you're welcome. (Oh and if theres a Pin you want us to try just comment below!)

Stayed Tuned!! Pinterest Attempt #1 Coming Soon!!!
Pugs & Kisses - Eileen